( Anywhere Book Club )
( About )
Who are we?
We are two experienced teachers (and mums) who want to reimagine how adults can support children’s reading and writing. Natasha has been a primary school teacher since 2008, leading on curriculum development and whole-school English teaching; Saskia has been a secondary school English teacher since 2009, teaching GCSE and A Level as well as supporting pupils with special educational needs. We also have four primary age children between us. We see on a daily basis how reading for pleasure genuinely makes children (and teenagers) happier.
Why join the Anywhere Book Club?
How many times have well-meaning experts suggested that you “share a book” with your child? In our experience, many parents and carers are keen to help their child enjoy books, reading and writing but struggle to know exactly how to do this. We create companions to accompany current children’s books that suggest quick, accessible and fun games. These activities support your child’s language and emotional development without the restrictions of formal reading and writing expectations. We come up with the questions to ask and the word games to play, so you don’t have to.
Why does the Anywhere Book Club work?
We believe that there are three things that get in the way of successful carer-led literacy activities: lack of time, lack of resources and resistant children! Our priority is to offer opportunities for incidental learning and happy connections that can be done on-the go and fit easily into busy family life.
Our activities are flexible, can be done anywhere and can last as long as you want them to – two minutes or twenty – and so they don’t feel like just another chore. They don’t require any resources or expensive ‘extras’.
We also recognise how difficult it can be to encourage your child to sit and complete reading and writing tasks without tears and tantrums. Instead of creating conflict, we want to help parents and carers connect with their children in a positive and impactful way. Children enjoy doing ABC games because the activities are fun and creative, all ideas are valued and they like sharing their thoughts with their adult(s).
( Partner with us )
We are actively looking to start conversations with bookshops, publishers, authors, schools and educators. If this is you, please contact us via hello@anywherebook.club
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Design & Direction: Polytechnic. Illustration: Marcus Oakley. Photography: Andrew Sims
© 2024 Anywhere Book Club. Terms. Privacy & Cookies. Credits.Design & Direction: Polytechnic Illustration: Marcus Oakley Photography: Andrew Sims
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